Monday, July 19

quadratic formula calculator

Hi Friends

Good Afternoon!!!

Let us learn about "quadratic formula calculator"

An equation which consists of more than one terms are squared but no higher power in terms, having the syntax, ax2+bx+c where a represents the numerical coefficient of x2, b represents the numerical coefficient of x, and c represents the constant term

Example: x2- 9x+12

A quadratic function, in mathematics, is a polynomial function of the form f (x) = ax2 + bx + c , a ≠ 0.The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola whose major axis is parallel to the y-axis. The expression ax2 + bx + c in the definition of a quadratic function is a polynomial of degree 2 or second order, or a 2nd degree polynomial, because the highest exponent of x is 2.If the quadratic function is set equal to zero, then the result is a quadratic equation. The solutions to the equation are called the roots of the equation

In our next blog we shall learn about "inequality calculator"

I hope the above explanation was useful. Keep reading and leave your comments.

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