Thursday, August 26

time table chart

Let us learn importance of time table chart

A timetable or schedule is a planned or an organized list, which is usually set out in tabular form, providing information about a series of arranged events: in particular, the time at which it is planned these events will take place.
A school timetable is a table for coordinating these 4 elements:
Students, tutors, classrooms, time slots also called periods
Timetable is the easy method or way to list the amount of hours that student have scheduled. Timetable makes it simple to track & bill for your time without keeping a second record outside of learner’s calendar. Students can find trends in their calendars by searching the details of their events & viewing the average, maximum & minimum times that they have spent.
Each school term I put together a student’s timetable. The aim of the student’s timetable is to:
Show the students what their week’s activities are & allow students to take responsibility for having the right equipment on the right days.
To familiarize the preschoolers & early readers with their names, days of the week & other commonly used words & a reminder for parents about what activities they can play with the toddler & preschooler.
The student’s timetable is a very basic document created in Microsoft Word. I like to photocopy this on to A3 size paper & then placing it in a prominent place, making it easy for the student to read.
This term I have refined my process slightly & created 2 timetables:
  1. School student – purely text based as both students can read the timetable.
  2. Early Learner, Reader & Preschooler – key text & picture based, so they can begin to make connections between the picture & the text.

In our next blog we shall learn about multiplication tables chart I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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