Wednesday, August 4

sin x

Let us learn about "sin x"

Introduction to the period of sin x:

The period of sin x is a function f(x) is said to be a periodic function if there exists an any real number T such that f (x + T) = f (x) for all x R.

Example:- sin x, cos x are generally called asperiodic function, because

sin (2π + x) = sin (4π + x) = ….. sin x;

cos (2π + x) = cos (4π + x) = …. cos x

The integral calculus deals with the inverse problem of the derivative of the given function. If F(x) = sin x is an function and the derivative of function with respect to x is f(x) = cos x , then we say that the integral of f(x) with respect to x is F(x). In trigonometric term like sin, cos, tan also can be performed in integral calculus.

i.e., ⌠cos x dx = sin x + c, where c is constant.
The graphs are generally used in all area of engineering and science. Graphing is plotting points in Cartesian plane. The graph of trigonometric function is periodic. The shape of the graph will repeat in a periodic manner. In this article we shall disuse about how to graph the sine function y = sin x
in our next blog we shall learn about line plots
I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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