Tuesday, August 31

remainder theorem

Let us learn about remainder theorem

The Remainder Theorem is very useful for calculating, evaluating polynomials at a given value of x, though it might not seem so, at least at 1st blush. This is mainly because the tool is presented as a theorem with a proof & you probably don't feel ready for proofs at this stage in student’s studies. Fortunately, student doesn’t "have" to understand the proof of the Theorem; they just need to understand how to use the remainder theorem. If f(x) is a polynomial in x & it is divided by x-a; the remainder is the value of f(x) at x = a i.e., Remainder = f (a).

Proof of remainder theorem:

Let p(x) be a polynomial divided by (x-a).
Let q(x) is the quotient and R is the remainder.
By division algorithm, Dividend = (Divisor x quotient) + Remainder
P(x) = q(x). (x-a) + R
Substitute x = a,
P (a) = q (a) (a-a) + R
P (a) = R (a - a = 0, 0 - q (a) = 0)
Hence Remainder = p (a).

In our next blog we shall learn about associate connection I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Monday, August 30

Ratio examples

Let us find Ratio examples.

A ratio is a relationship between 2 numbers of the same kind i.e., objects, spoonfuls, units of whatever identical dimension, persons, students, usually expressed as "a to b" or a:b, sometimes expressed arithmetically as a dimensionless quotient of the 2, which explicitly indicates how many times the first number contains the second.
The ratio between 2 quantities is 3:7. If first quantity is 15, find the second one.
Let the second quantity be x.
Thus 3:7 = 15:x
Since Product of Extremes = Product of Means
3x = 15*7
=> x = 15/3*7
= 5*7
= 35

In our next blog we shall learn about midpoint theorem I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Saturday, August 28

general knowledge

Let us learn about general knowledge & primary resources maths

As easy as ICT
Information & Communication Technology ICT might sound a bit daunting, particularly when the aim & goal is to link it with tutoring mathematics at primary level. However, when put into the context of CD-ROMs, DVDs, & PlayStations, web pages & touch-screen ticket machines — all of which come under the ICT umbrella — perhaps some creative thinking can come out of the different types of resources & software that can be used to solve various mathematics subject problems. ICT at primary level should basically cover 5 main areas:
  • learning from expert’s feedback
  • observing patterns & extracting ideas
  • exploring data
  • tutoring the computer through pupil-designed activities
  • developing & Improving visual imagery
At Ysgol Frongoch a primary school in North Wales, tutor David Baugh organized a school trip in which student visited a quarry as part of a project to look at the impact of human beings on the environment. Once back at school they developed an online spreadsheet to reflect the consequence. 'When student are actively engaged in the creation process', explains David, 'their ability to gather, manipulate & present information becomes second nature'.
Many multimedia resources are freely available for students, although for Government-funded nursery, primary & secondary schools, money is set aside for equipment in the form of Electronic Learning Credits eLCs. This can cover resources like digital videos & software. The British Educational & Communications & Technology Agency BECTA offers free publications & downloads aimed at helping teachers & teaching assistants at primary & secondary level on some of the best ways to use ICT in the classroom.
Linking ICT with mathematics subject or any other subject can develop students' interest & understanding of ICT in a way that straightforward use of PCs might limit. Special calculators can be applied with overhead projectors to teach student the basic key functions as an addition to their methods of using jottings or mental mathematics subject to find solutions to problems.
Electronic whiteboards also mean that tutors can be at the centre of things & can ask pupils to flash the results of a mathematics student’s problem up onto the board from their keypads. This allows the whole class to be at the same point of a lesson & to discuss their methods & outcomes. This is especially effective when playing number games with shapes & patterns or designing a graph by using collected data as student can relate the visual outcome of each exercise with the solutions to the problems they have tackled.
In our next blog we shall learn about free online tutoring I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Friday, August 27

add fractions

Let us learn about add fractions

There are 3 easy Steps to add fractions:
  • Make sure the bottom numbers which is called as denominators are the same
  • Add the top numbers the numerators. Put the solution over the same denominator.
  • Simplify the fraction if needed.
Fractions consist of 2 numbers. The top number is said to as the numerator. The bottom number is said to be as denominator.
To add 2 fractions with the same denominator, add the numerators & place that sum over the common denominator.
In our next blog we shall learn about how to add fractions I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Thursday, August 26

time table chart

Let us learn importance of time table chart

A timetable or schedule is a planned or an organized list, which is usually set out in tabular form, providing information about a series of arranged events: in particular, the time at which it is planned these events will take place.
A school timetable is a table for coordinating these 4 elements:
Students, tutors, classrooms, time slots also called periods
Timetable is the easy method or way to list the amount of hours that student have scheduled. Timetable makes it simple to track & bill for your time without keeping a second record outside of learner’s calendar. Students can find trends in their calendars by searching the details of their events & viewing the average, maximum & minimum times that they have spent.
Each school term I put together a student’s timetable. The aim of the student’s timetable is to:
Show the students what their week’s activities are & allow students to take responsibility for having the right equipment on the right days.
To familiarize the preschoolers & early readers with their names, days of the week & other commonly used words & a reminder for parents about what activities they can play with the toddler & preschooler.
The student’s timetable is a very basic document created in Microsoft Word. I like to photocopy this on to A3 size paper & then placing it in a prominent place, making it easy for the student to read.
This term I have refined my process slightly & created 2 timetables:
  1. School student – purely text based as both students can read the timetable.
  2. Early Learner, Reader & Preschooler – key text & picture based, so they can begin to make connections between the picture & the text.

In our next blog we shall learn about multiplication tables chart I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 25

equivalent fractions calculator

Let us learn about equivalent fractions calculator

The easiest method to work with math fractions is to use an equivalent fractions calculator. It's a great help & an idea to validate your own calculations.
You can solve including improper fractions, fraction problems, mixed numbers and whole numbers by using equivalent fractions calculator
Properties on Equivalent Fractions Calculator are as follows
This is one of the most important rules used which dealing with a equivalent fractions calculator
The numerator of fraction & the bottom of a fraction must always be the whole number.
The number you choose to divide must be always divided evenly for both bottom and the top numbers.
You have to divide or multiply only, never subtract or add, to get an equivalent fraction
Important things to kept in mind while comparing fractions:

When the denominator is the similar, the bigger fraction is the fraction with the bigger numerator.

The best example, 4/3 is bigger than 2/3

When the numerator is the similar, the bigger fraction is the 1 with the smaller denominator.

The best example, 6/2 is bigger than 6/3

If the denominators or the numerators are not the similar, just look for equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then, compare the numerators

The best example, compare 3/4 and 2/3

An equivalent fraction for 3/4 is 9/12

An equivalent fraction for 2/3 which has a denominator of 12 is 8/12

Hence 8/12 is smaller 9/12, 2/3 is smaller than 3/4
In our next blog we shall learn about Prime Factorization calculator I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Tuesday, August 24

Standard form calculator

Let us learn about Standard form calculator

Form of a numbers into expression method is called as Standard form

for example, 3000
3000 = 3x10^3
Standard form calculator is mostly used in because the calculator has less space in display & Standard form calculator is an easy method to make a value in calculator. By using EXP expression command is used in standard form calculator.

Evaluate 0.000 01 3 in standard form
Standard form equation
Given: 0.000 01 3
0.000 01 3 = 1.3 × 10^5
It’s 10^5 are moved to 5 decimal places to the left to get the number to be 1.3
Linear equation, polynomials, quadratic equation, is different forms of Standard form equation
In our next blog we shall learn about algebra linear equations I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Monday, August 23

mean median mode range worksheets

Let us learn about mean median mode range worksheets.

The Mean, Mode, Median, and Range Worksheets are perfect for learning the math topic concerning calculating mean mode median and range for data sets of numbers. The Mean, Mode, Median, and Range Worksheets are valuable resources for students & teachers, home schoolers, moms, & dads looking for some practice with means, modes, medians, and range computations.

Mean Mode Median and Range Definition Worksheets & Mean Missing Number Worksheets. If you need a more help with description of these Mean Mode Median Worksheets then you need to contact tutors who provides online tutoring services free. Mean Mode Median Worksheets are free to download, very flexible & easy to use. The Mean Mode Median Worksheets are randomly generated so when ever we request 1it will be different every time.

The Mean Mode Median Worksheets are a great resource for students in 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade. The Mean Mode Median Worksheets are free printable Math worksheets intended for home study for students.

In our next blog we shall learn about precalculus formulas I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Saturday, August 21

area of a parallelogram

Let us learn about area of a parallelogram

Parallelogram is 1 form of quadrilateral that has 4 sides. 2 pair of lines is parallel in the parallelogram. Each side of angle is 90 degree right angle triangle. Total internal angle of parallelogram is 360 degree.
Area of triangle = b* h
Where, b = base of the parallelogram,
h = height of the parallelogram.
Perimeter of the parallelogram = 2 (b + h)
In our next blog we shall learn about graphing calculator online I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Friday, August 20

derivatives of trigonometric functions

Let us solve problems on derivatives of trigonometric functions

Find the derivative for the function y = cot 9x.
Step 1: Given function
y = cot 9x
Step 2: Differentiate the given function y = cot 9x with respect to ' x '
= - cosec2 (9x) (9)

= - 9cosec2 (9x)
Example 2:
Find the derivative for the function y = tan-1 (6x).
Step 1: Given function
y = tan-1 (6x)
Step 2: Differentiate the given function y = tan-1 (6x) with respect to ' x '
= 1/1+(6x)^2 (6)
In our next blog we shall learn about half and half substitute I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Thursday, August 19

what is an isosceles triangle

Let us learn about isosceles triangle.

what is an isosceles triangle?

A triangle in which two sides and two angles are equal is called an isosceles triangle.
The base of the triangle is always its unequal side. Base angles of triangle are in equal measurement. Here, angles ABC and ACB are often the same. 3rd angle should be a 90^o known as "right isosceles triangle". Perpendicular length between topmost vertex & base = Altitude

In our next blog we shall learn about inductance formula I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 18

independent variable

Let us learn about independent variable.

Equation in a mathematical or statement whose value determines that of the dependent variable: in y = f(x), x is the independent variable. An experimenter deliberately manipulates to observe its relationship with some other quantity, or that defines the distinct conditions in an experiment.
Continuous variable
Independent variable
Binary variable
Dependent variable
Dummy Variables
Are the types of variable.

An Independent variable is a variable which stands alone and is not effected by the changes of the other variables like Dummy Variables, Dependent variable, so on which we are trying to measure.
In our next blog we shall learn about lpp I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Tuesday, August 17

prime numbers up to 100

Let us learn how prime factorization calculator helps in solving math problems.

A Number which is divisible by any other number is called as prime number

prime numbers up to 100


A prime factorization calculator is a device or calculator which takes a number as an input and gives the list of prime factorization as its output.

I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Monday, August 16

Types of Graph

Hi Friends!!!

Let us learn about Graph and before that can you tell me what is Graph?How to Graph Set of Linear Functions or Simultaneous Equations

Let us see about definition of graph theory. In mathematics, graph theory is the study about the graphs. Mathematical organization used to pair off relations between substances from a definite set. A graph in this circumstance passes on to a group of vertices or node and a group of edges that attach pairs of vertices.

Types of Graph

1. Undirected graph
2. Directed graph
3. Mixed graph
4. Simple graph
5. Weighted graph

I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Saturday, August 14

math help online

Hi Friends!!!

Now a days online math tutoring is one of the easiest way of gaining collection of solutions of any problem. Online Tutoring is useable for every one to learn or excogitate their subjects in an interactive way and you can discover prosperous from your home with the support of online instructor. In online tutoring gossip, voice and digital whiteboards act as a communication occupation between tutors and students.

Let us solve some problems which I learned from free online tutoring math
1) Simplify, 5(4+3) – 9 + 3(5)
= 5(7)–9+15
= 35+6
= 41

2) Simplify, 11 + 8/4 * 5 + 2
= 11+2*5+2
= 11+10+2
= 23

If you need online math help you can click on given link.

I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Friday, August 13

geometry tutoring free

Geometry is all about shapes and their properties.
If you like playing with objects, or like drawing, then geometry is for you!
geometry tutoring free, Geometry can be divided into:
Plane Geometry is about flat shapes like lines, circles and triangles ... shapes that can be drawn on a piece of paper
Solid Geometry is about three dimensional objects like cubes, prisms and pyramids.
The word geometry is Greek for geos - meaning earth and metron - meaning measure. Geometry was extremely important to ancient societies and was used for surveying, astronomy, navigation, and building. Geometry, as we know it is actually known as Euclidean geometry which was written well over 2000 years ago in Ancient Greece by Euclid, Pythagoras, Thales, Plato and Aristotle just to mention a few. The most fascinating and accurate geometry text was written by Euclid, and was called Elements. Euclid's text has been used for over 2000 years! pre algebra problems free

Geometry is the study of angles and triangles, perimeter, area and volume. It differs from algebra in that one develops a logical structure where mathematical relationships are proved and applied. In part 1, you will learn about the basic terms associated with Geometry.
you can click on given link online algebra 2 homework help to learn algebra well.

Thursday, August 12

what is the circumference of a circle

what is the circumference of a circle ?

The distance around the circle is Circumference. In a circle, the distance from center to any point of a circle is called radius. And the line which touches two points of the circle and passes through the center is known as Diameter of a circle.
The formula to find the Circumference of a circle C is C = 2 × Pi × r
Which means Circumference of a circle is 2 times the value of pi times r
Where, r = radius of a circle and
Pi=3.142 which is a constant value.
The formula to find the Circumference of a Circle with Diameter is
Which means the circumference of a circle is pi times the diameter.
where, d=Diameter of a circle and
Pi=3.142 which is a constant value.
As we know Diameter is equal to radius divided by 2, we can use the first formula when we have the Diameter in a given problem.
D = r / /2
Which means diameter d is radius r divided by 2.
Now, we can write the equivalent formula for the diameter which is radius is 2 times the diameter.
r=2 × D
The circumference of circle units can be measured in linear units, like inches, centimeter etc,
In our next blog we shall learn about black hole facts I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 11

geometric formulas

Let us learn about geometric formulas

Here we are going to see the geometric formulas chart it is used for the learn the geometric formulas, geometric shapes are classified as they according to the dimension ,there are three types of the geometric types they are the one dimension ,two dimension and the three dimension based on the dimension the formulas are different .Two dimension geometric shape there is no height so there is no volume formulas for the geometric shapes ,three dimension figure have the height quantity so it has the formula for the volume .

Two Dimensional Chart for Geometry Formulas:

Square Formulas chart:
  • A = a2
  • P = 4*a
Here a is the side of the square.
Circle formulas chart:
  • d = 2r
  • A = * r2
  • C = 2* *r
Here r is the radius and,
D is the diameter
Rectangle formulas chart:
  • A = l * w

In our next blog we shall learn about quantum online I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your

Friday, August 6

formula sheet

Here we are going to see the area formula sheet for all the shape of the objects, shape of the objects are classified according to the dimension ,here we are going to see the area formula for the two dimension shape like rectangle, circle, square, parallelogram, rhombus , triangle, regular polygon , trapezoid like that let us see the area formula sheet.
Area Formula Sheet :
Area formula sheet- Rectangle:
Area of a rectangle is length X width (or) LW.
Area formula sheet-parallelogram:
Area of a parallelogram is base X height or bh.
In our next blog we shall learn about tracheids I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Thursday, August 5

factors of 16

Let us learn about "factors of 16"
In mathematics, prime factors are one interesting topic in number theory. Prime factors are defined as the process of positive integers which are dividing the integer exactly and also without a remainder value. These types of numbers are called as prime factor. It can be divided by 1 or itself. Let us see the prime factor of 16.
Some of the prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19…

Prime Factor of 16 - Definition for Prime Factor:

Factor is defined as process of the number that can be multiply together to get another number
Find the factor for the given number 33.
Given number 33
33 is divided by 3 and 11
So, 3 and 11 are the factors of the given number 33
3 and 11 are the factors of the given number 33
In our next blog we shall learn about "math formula chart"
I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 4

sin x

Let us learn about "sin x"

Introduction to the period of sin x:

The period of sin x is a function f(x) is said to be a periodic function if there exists an any real number T such that f (x + T) = f (x) for all x R.

Example:- sin x, cos x are generally called asperiodic function, because

sin (2π + x) = sin (4π + x) = ….. sin x;

cos (2π + x) = cos (4π + x) = …. cos x

The integral calculus deals with the inverse problem of the derivative of the given function. If F(x) = sin x is an function and the derivative of function with respect to x is f(x) = cos x , then we say that the integral of f(x) with respect to x is F(x). In trigonometric term like sin, cos, tan also can be performed in integral calculus.

i.e., ⌠cos x dx = sin x + c, where c is constant.
The graphs are generally used in all area of engineering and science. Graphing is plotting points in Cartesian plane. The graph of trigonometric function is periodic. The shape of the graph will repeat in a periodic manner. In this article we shall disuse about how to graph the sine function y = sin x
in our next blog we shall learn about line plots
I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.